Wednesday 6 November 2013


For this session we was categorised into pre made groups to discuss what we have been working on and to receive some critical feedback.

My group consisted of Jamie, Laura, Danielle, Mel, Vicky and our tutor Phil. We had an option to present our web or print briefs and I decided to present my brief about print as I wasn't sure if my concept would communicate well.

For my presentation I delivered a concept board and some of the initial sketches I had proposed for my print idea.

When each of us presented, I felt we gave and received really good critical analysis and pointers to move forward with. Below is some feedback I received of the strengths in my print concept and what I can improve.


  • Concept and reason behind book
  • The art work book is something that people would benefit from
  • The tote bag is a really nice way to hold the books together / accessory.


  • Don't link web and print briefs
  • Focus your audience on Leeds based students, could be distributed in other places for future reference
  • Use the tote bag instead of a belly band to keep your booked together
  • Research further into what you can create and what the content of your book should be
  • Price of fluorescent ink
  • Is it going to be digitally printed?
  • Consider spot colours
  • Research into more stock samples

From this feedback I decided to make an action plan to complete from some of the comments that were suggested. I created a little task list of things to achieve through the week in preparation for my next crit.


By creating these sheets I found it really useful for me to show myself how much time I had to create this book and the practicality of some of my design decisions.

I found the structure of this crit to be really beneficial in the development of my work, specifically in regards to the location of where my book was going to be distributed. I chose to take on board the comments of my book being Leeds based because I can find more primary research and it will be focused.

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