Sunday 3 November 2013


Our first session is based on a workshop based on the aims of the module and brief analysis.
  • RSA
  • ISTD
  • Design Council
Be careful with these briefs as they can be quite big. Think about how the briefs can work around your schedule.

The whole point of our work is to keep it documented, in a book/diary format. It is an essential to passing the module.
Individual briefs: 5 minimum
Collaborative brief: 1 minimum

For the first part of the session we asked ourselves a few questions and answered them

What are your intentions with this brief? / What do you want to get out of this?

  • Working with other creatives
  • Awards and my work exhibited
  • Challenging myself
  • Working to a briefs requirements
  • Creating a clear message to an audience
  • International recognition
  • Understanding the rules and guidelines when doing competitions and live  briefs and not to get conned
  • Stepping out of my comfort zone
  • Building and developing my skills
  • Creating professional work
  • How to plan and manage my time with multiple briefs
  • Create innovative concepts

Then as a class we concluded these questions

  • Time management and discipline
  • Understanding 'realistic' time scales
  • Effective, professional communication - Clear on deadlines and timeframes
  • Awards, prizes and fame!
  • How to not get exploited
  • Working on a range of briefs
  • Identify individual practices
  • Brief analysis
  • Creative compromise
  • Exposure: See and recognise your a designer
  • Portfolio development - A cohesive voice / don't limit yourself but don't be to broad
  • Creating contacts and opportunities

Why do you think these briefs would be useful?

  • To learn about agencies, studios and clients I havent heard of
  • To see whats out there and who is my competition
  • To get a taste of what it's going to ne like in industry
  • To showcase my work internationally which can create opportunities
  • To expand my practice and challenge myself
  • To learn about the trials and errors of commision and client work

Then as a class we concluded these answers

  • Improving professional design skills
  • Challenfe of a professional brief
  • Commitment to being more than a student
  • Developing clearer / more effecrive working practice
  • Real world benchmarking
  • Proffesiona; responsibility - Deadlines
  • Gain confidence
  • Contacts
  • Proffesional feedbacl
  • Professional experience

For the next part of the session we then looked at the briefs we had selected and put 4 conclusive words on why we had chosen them

1: Type Directors Club Annual Call For Entries
Ehibition / money
Interest in editorial and type
Professional company

2: The Little Help Project - T.shirt Design
Good cause
Personal interest
Good exposure / money

3: Typoday Poster Design
Interest in type
Simple / doable

4: Everyday Well Being 
Good contacts / opportunities
Awards and money
Interest / something challenging

5: Love Your Body Poster Design
Good cause
Good prize money

We then again as a class put together the main reasons we chose the briefs and came up with this list

  • They look straight forward
  • They are short and simple
  • Try new things
  • They're free to enter
  • An interest or familiarity with the content
  • Ethically motivated
  • The prize
  • The best ones available
  • Scope and creative freedom
  • A rang of problems

Built on our own criteria, we can refer back to the lists above and see weather these briefs are appropriate. Although a competition is free, cost can be seen in many different formats such as time, effort and production. Is it appropriate to you?

We then looked at YCN briefs form last year and analysed them in groups. In my group was Sam, Harrison, Jake, Priesh and Sam H. We were given the Experian brief. From reading the brief we found that they were, specific, big brands and quite a lot of content.

What is the problem?
  • Make students - young adults aware of credit scores
What is the brief asking you to do about it?
  • Raise awareness through a animation, video and storyboards
What is the brief trying to achieve?
  • Good credit scores amongst young people
Who will benefit?
  • Experian will benefit and the target audience
What is the message?
  • To persuade and motivate people to get a credit score.
Who is the audience?
  • 18-24 year old, male and females
Can you foresee any problems with this?
  • Dull topic, not relevant to target audience, tone of voice

I found this session really helpful in finding out about what my aims and goals are for this module. It was also interesting to find out what other peoples aims are which was something for me to reflect on also. I found out how to analyse briefs and the importance of dissecting a brief before committing to it, which is an invaluable skill for this module. I will also heighten this skill in the task for next sessions task.

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