Tuesday 3 December 2013


For the final critique we were split up into groups to present what we have done so far on the brief. We set out our work in the studio and let the other group critique our work and vice versa. For my presentation I presented my brainstorms, thumbnails, printing processes, mock ups, experiments and a digital version of my publication on my laptop.

We were also asked to leave a minimum of two questions for our peers to answer, on any doubts we had on our project. I asked these question's as a basis for some of the problems I thought might arise in my work.

1. Is the layout easy to navigate and understand?
2. Does this look like a pack for female and male audience?
3. From what has been created so far is it relevant?

From these questions I then received some feedback, for me to analyse and consider.

  • The layout is clean and easy to understand, your colour choice works well and the different names and colours for the sections is user friendly and makes it easy to understand it has been thought out well and fulfils the audience! Make sure you keep the consistency and perhaps use the same style you've used for 'For the love of print' book for all 3, then square with text looks really modern and fresh
  • The books look unisex because of the colour e.g you haven't chosen pinks or blues which is good! but maybe consider colours that are similar. Look at design-seeds.com it's really good!
  • It is very relevant and covers a lot of topics that are vital to print.
  • I wouldn't include conclusion also consider a bleed don't want anything getting cut off when you print.
  • Lots of information about the subject, well researched. I found the navigation simple the navigate and understand.
  • When considering the tote bag, I would say it is directed towards females, other than that I wouldn't suggest is was biased towards any gender.
  • All is relevant as tote bags are something given to freshers, although as only you have three books, you could not do the tote bag it's not necessary although it's relevant.
  • Love the colour pallet it works well.
  • I like the concept and I feel the layout and deliverance of info is apprpriate to the college audience
  • Tote maybe prone to ripping with cut out (clumsy students). Screen print it instead.

My Thoughts

I really liked the format of this crit because I felt that I got a lot more comments and considerations from previous crits. I think it's down to the fact that people could be honest about my work because they were not speaking to me directly or knowing it was mine. 

Initially I was worried about how the layout for my book would be received, because of the words being separated with a - and the fact it wasn't full of info graphics  I chose photographs over info graphics because it's not one of my strengths in design. However I from my feedback a lot of the comments suggested that it was easy to navigate and was a nice design feature. One person suggested that I should keep the square title format consistent through out my work, I took this comment into consideration and experimented with this on a few of my layouts before making any final design decisions.

Initial designs:

Developed designs:

From this comment I completely agreed with what the person had stated, because it not only made the page stand out more, but would keep consistency throughout my work. Which has inevitably helped me better my design.

I was also worried about the content of my book, because I wanted to cover the majority of the important parts about print. Again from my comments it seemed that I had achieved this and I was reassured by this.

One thing that people commented on the most was the design of my tote bag, they suggested that a screen printed design would be more effective which I agreed with because of durability issues. Considering the distribution of my book being for students at fresher fairs or after inductions an important factor for the bag is so that it keeps the book safe. I decided to take this consideration on also and develop the design of the tote.

In conclusion I was really happy with today's crit and felt that it helped me make some effective design decisions and reassured any issues I had with my work. I also liked giving other people my honest feedback and seeing how other people have interpreted the brief.

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