Monday 30 December 2013



To start my menu design I decided to create some mock up sketches of what I wanted the menu to look like.

Out of all my sketches I decided to go with the board style menu, as I think it will fit in with the type of restaurant I am proposing to create which is a high - middle class style.

From my research and looking at menu's I wanted to create a pattern / texture to go behind the design to act as a boarder. Due to my design being solely black and white I thought that this would make it look more visually interesting. I decided to experiment with both a typographic and info graphic styles.




Out of the two designs I really liked the info graphic design and decided to experiment with this further for my final design.

Other Items

I then created a visual board of the other potential things I wanted to create. These included, a wine glass, wine bottle, order form, after dinner mint box, serviette rings, business cards and a bowl and plate.

The majority of the other printed items would be proposed through the use of vinyl stickers. The main theme for these vinyl stickers would be using my alternative logo which is a small 'A.' I think this will work effectively on the products, but is something I am going to have to experiment with.

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