Sunday 16 February 2014


Today myself and Rinesh collated our research and decided to re-write the brief. From our research we found these main points to focus on:

  • A more personal shopping experience:
  • Quick few questions when app starts to ensure you only get shown things you would actually buy
  • Clothes shown depending on body type
  • Technical clothe matching depending on areas of your body you are conscious about
  • Key styles for events such as nightlife and gigs
  • Whats hot in high culture fashion/runway
  • Section based on cheaper range of clothes and looks
  • Style warnings or trend alerts for dos and dont's
  • Notifications based on what sort of clothes you look at
  • Suggestions strictly based on what sort of scene your into
  • More accessory based looks for men
  • Celebrity looks
  • Categories based on music scenes, colours, and overall style
  • More image based approach to actual page for item

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