Thursday 20 February 2014


Today I was contacted by a client who runs a online clothing boutique selling celebrity style clothes for an affordable price. In this conversation she wanted me to create a brand logo and business card design for the company. From the conversation I took down these notes of what she wanted.

Client Needs

  • A logo design that is transferable across print and digital media.
  • Sophisticated and contemporary.
  • Monochromatic colour scheme.
  • Target audience is aimed at women 18 - 20.

Initially her brand was called 'Jessica Sade' and I created a selection of typographic sketches that could have been possibly used.

However she then wanted to change the name to something more professional and asked me to think of a name for her brand. She wanted the brand to sound sophisticated, current and for a target audience of females aged between 18 - 30. With this in mind I made a brainstorm of names that I thought would be appropriate.

The client really liked the names Noir and Passerella but after checking online if there were any other companies called that Noir was the name that was available. She was really pleased with the selection of names I had come up with and was happy with her new brand name also.

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