Tuesday 15 October 2013


Part 1

  • Cern is the European Organization for Nuclear Research and was were the internet was born. 
  • The internet was created 1991 - Switzerland 
  • Started 1991
  • Tim Burnerslee

'' To link and access information of various kinds as a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will''

The first ever internet page looked like this, very minimal, monochrome and text based.

 Web Servers:

The worlds first web server, was introduced by a next computer that was designed and built by Steve Jobs.

First Web Image: 1992 'Les Horribles Cernettes'  

In 1992, the first image was uploaded to the internet and was in the form of a PNG file. A universal file format.

Part 2


  • Code: What the websites are made from
  • HTTP: Hyper Text Transer Protocol
  • HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (What makes websites look appealing / thought and context.)
  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol (Sends a large body of information to another computer, e.g Google create a websites design when the link is clicked on)
  • CMS: Content Management System (content change and updates)

- Static websites dont change
- For good website it needs to be dynamic.
  • Skeuomorphism: A derivative object that retains ornamental design cues from structures that were necessary in the original.

This is an example of skeuomorphism because there are magazines on a news stand shelf but when its featured on screen its ment to be digital and we should be able to just slide through images of the next pages rather than it be a book with turning pages.

  • Responsive design: ' Could be reactive design' It is ' Responsive' because the design 'responses' i.e can be adapted to a variety of media using screens of various sizes. 
    The concept was introduced by Ethan Marcotte

This is an example of responsive design. This a website that works across a variety of platfroms, from the laptop, iphone and tablet.

Part 3 
  • You can use a grid on any website
  • The grid is the most important tool.

A website is designed by a grid system. The grid is the most important tool used by a designer to keep consistency.

When creating a website you should always think about the considerations, and weather it will enrich your audience.
  • What is the purpose of the website?
  • Who are the target audience?
  • What do the target audience need?
We then though about how we could create a website that was relevant to us as graphic designers
  • Purpose: showcase work, promote, jobs
  • Audience: potential clients, local companies, variety of work
  • Needs: Images, easy to navigate, engaging, stand out, contact.

Websites + Books 
  • HTML + CSS 
  • Practical guide designing for web
  • Scratching the surface - Adrian s.
For the next part of the seminar we looked at some websites as a class and said the first word we thought.
  • Cluttered 
  • White
  • Busy
  • Blocks
  • Monochrome

Bicycle website
  • Clean
  • Bike
  • Grey
  • Minimal
Ling cars
  • Pop up
  • Magazine
  • Cheap
  • Cluterd
  • Crazy
  • Disgusting
  • Flashy
  • Medieval
  • Game
  • Tacky
  • Inappropriate
  • Pop up
Legwork studio
  • Bad Navigation
  • Unorthodox
  • Un-engaging
  • Bad use of type
Inexibit is a good website to go on - another behance, designers & illustrators exhibit there work.

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