Wednesday 16 October 2013


In it's simplest for a concept is a plan or intention. As graphic designers we all have to think of a concept in order for our design to be understood and clear to a target audience.

In our session we looked at 'three five seven' by one prime creative.

The designers concept: 'For this project I had to design an identity for me as a designer. The project included a name, logo, business card, letterhead, quotation form, fax form, data sheet, poster, and a promotional gift. For my surname is Priem, I have chosen the concept Prime and played with the different meanings of the word. My slogan is taken from the meaning of the word prime as an attribute: of best possible quality. 

Also using with the concept of prime numbers, which are only numbers that can be evenly divisible only by itself and one. Throughout my project the non prime numbers are eliminated and only prime numbers are used. Through this elimination, a pattern is formed, this pattern becomes a design element in my project. 

The photographs also contribute to the concept. Through showing how prime numbers can only be divided through itself and one.'

I really liked how the designer not only though of the design personally but also what her name means contextually to society and applying that within her design. You can see how strong the concept is and how that dominates the aesthetics of her work through type alignment.

We then looked at 'ikea'

Ikea targets a broad audience, therefore their designs are simple, easy to understand through vector based graphics due to an international audience and is relatable.

Workshop: In groups you will create a concept for either a new / fictional restaurant, hotel or bar within Leeds. 

Step 1: Within your groups choose 3 words from Jar 1 and Jar 2.

Step 2: Decide on one word you want to work with, you can't change your word from Jar 2.

Step 3: Use the chosen word and you will present your concept in your group tomorrow in the form of a slide shows for 3-5 minuetes.

  • Your clients needs
  • Who is your audience
  • What is the purpose
  • Will they be a potential customer, current customer, student?

In my group was Danielle M, Danielle Y, Vicky, Ewan and Charlie. From the jar we were given Bar as our main word. The other words we were given were net, window and vehicle.


From this we started brainstorming more definitions of the words and things we associated with them.


We then branched out further idea's from some of the words we chose and came up with more definitions and concepts for our bar.

Concept building

After much deliberation we then came up with the concept of a double bar. In the evening / night it would act as a social gathering bar were friends can meet up before heading to a big night and after the could come into the recovery suite were they could take time to relax and rejuvenate.

Target audience + Location

We then thought of a demographic for our bar and initially came up with targeting it at students, but that was a bit brief. We then made a more precise target audience consisting of adults from 18-28 year olds who would enjoy a unique and quirky experience, like the bars on Call Lane in Leeds.

The location of our venue was set in the city centre in leeds either near the bar strip on call lane or near the trinity as bars in this area attract a similar target audience. Also because they are in centre of the big nightclubs.

We then brainstormed a few name idea's that were relevant to the concept of a double bar or a night out. 

  • Double Trouble
  • Black Out
  • Memory Loss
  • Before & After
  • The Recovery Suit
  • Remedy

Initially we liked the idea blackout, because it represents the forgotten memories on a night out and also the sleeping element of relaxation. We then changed it to remedy because we felt that it could connote the remedy for a good night out and also the remedy for hangover cures.

Task List

For the next session we set everyone in the group a task to go ahead with in preparation for tomorrows presentation.

Danielle Y: To research and find unique cocktail recipes that would set us apart from other competetors.

Danielle M: To research and design a uniform for both sides of the bar.

Charlie: To research and find unique hangover cures that would set us apart from other competetors.

Ewan: To create a logo design and wristbands that would create the brand identity

Vicky: To research and find some music playlists to target our audience.

I was assigned to research and collect images that would represent the interior aesthetics of our bar, that would appeal to our target audience. 

Keeping to our target market of 18-30 year olds, who are into a eclectic taste of music, and want to attend for the social element of the bar. I wanted to look at bar's that are similar to a call lane style and with a modern interior and aesthetic.

Main Bar: Neon light features, Modern and Sleek.

Recovery Suit: Relaxed, Cool, Comfortable and Quirky.

From the images I sourced my group liked these the best.

Main Bar -

Recovery Suite -
Presentation + Evaluation

For our presentation we created a 5 minute slide show of the development of our concept and how we came from just a few words to a branded bar and present it to the class.

We had created the presentation in a hour with no real structure which was something that I would of liked to have spent more time on. I think instead of us parting ways and doing our own idea's didn't fit well in total because although we had already allocated a target audience and theme we needed to take more time to refine some of the idea's within the concept. An example of this was that at the last minute we had to change our brand name from remedy to Panacea because another group already had that name, which left us little to no time to recreate our brand in a professional way. Due to us all choosing particular parts of the project to focus on solely, we didn't give ourselves the opportunity to recap and exchange the research we had found.

Apart from that I really found this exercise useful in developing a concept further by continually asking yourself questions and pushing a idea further. This is a skill I will use in the creation of future briefs as it helps your idea for a design more structured. I also liked the idea of thinking about the considerations as these play a big part in the aesthetic, time and target audience for a design and helps you allocate whats relevant.

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