Wednesday 6 November 2013


From my logo development board, I began to start creating my concept of a circular logo to see how it would work.

I initially experimented with text wrapping, so that the words would shape the frame of the circle. For this process I experimented with some fonts already installed on my computer as a practice. I chose these fonts due to their weight and wanted the circle to be really defined.




I found with these experiments that I wasn't getting the look I initially wanted. The font wasn't llegible and looked too stretched.

I then referred back to my drawing and decided to write the words within the shape. 

I then started experimenting with other script font's to create other possible outcomes, as this was also a main feature I experimented with in my initial logo sketches.


However I still felt like the design wasn't working. I decided to take the text out of the circle frame because it wasn't coming out the way I intended.

I then decided to experiment with strictly type and create a few possible outcomes.

After some experimentation, I decied to make the concious decision of changing the name of my book. I felt the title was too long, and the whole aesthetic of the book would't come out the way I intended. I also felt that I had taken on to many different idea's and should have chosen a specific font to work with before trying to develop me logo.

I refferd back to my brain storm of names and decided to choose 'for the love of - print'. I chose this titile because the 'for the love -' bit could transfer across all of the three books as 'for the love of - art' for the artwork book and 'for the love of - design' for the contacts and glossary book. 

I again drew out some logo idea's to see what direction I could go in.

I really liked the idea of the - breaking up the different sections of the books so I decided to experiment with this further. Keeping in mind the processes I wanted to do I had to keep the text simple for it to really have an effect. I chose to focus on block type faces so when it came to the laser cutting the words would be legible.

From all my experiments I really liked the use of the Kenzo type and thought it would work best with legibility, composition and the laser cut process. I then experimented with the other possible titles to see if the were transferable.

I chose this design because I had to consider the processes I wanted to use which was laser cutting and in order for it to work I had to use a simple block type. I was really pleased with the outcome of these titles/logos and decided to use these for my main body of work.

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