Friday 20 December 2013



1. Is the layout easy to navigate?

2. Is the aesthetic suitable to my concept?

3. What do you think I could develop further?

4. Feel free to comment on anything.


1. Answers:

The site is easy to navigate, my eye was lead from the logo down to the navbar and then to content. It works well and effectively, by guiding the users focus.

The layout is very east to navigate around. All buttons are clear and easy to click/view. The only thing I would say is I normally look for social links on a footer. However yours are so clearly set out that it doesn't matter!

The layout is clear & simple meaning the site is easy to navigate around.


2. Answers:

The aesthetics are on point! The subtle colour scheme, organised layout and font choices are all appropriate and help you achieve this.

Yes! clear reflection of editorial design in simple / classic black and white combined with photography. The only criticism I can think of is, is there anyway that you can make the width of your slider the same as your navbar? So that when your images slide aways they look like they're sliding to the edge of the page?

The Website aesthetic is very relevant to editorial design. I love the clean look and the black and white colour scheme. This ensures your images / photographs can be fully appreciated.

Yes, there is a sense of style, class and sophistication

3. Answers:

I would maybe change the positioning of the text on the about page so that it lines up with the home button on the navigation bar. Other than that it looks top well done!

Try and get rid of the slider logo, I have had this problem also but it will make the homepage look better. Also the slider buttons are hard to see so possibly change the colours.

The gallery, maybe a section on types of grids? e.g modula, baseline ..ect/

4. Answers:

Aesthetics are relevant and well applied

Slider is effective and a really interesting feature, well done.

Design boards seems to be well presented and appropriate.

One thing I noticed was that your slider has previous/next/pause buttons. This is a great element to have on your slier so make sure they can be seen. Also try and get rid of the wow slider tag.

The site is very functional and is appealing/appropriate to the purpose and audience.

Digital mock-ups / proposals are great. Good that you are thinking of what else this could be and how it will look on 2 screens.

Good amount of text to image on your design boards. Clear visuals but explained in a succinct manner.

Love the slider, but maybe include more images? also try and get rid of the slider logo.

Action Plan

I was really pleased with the feedback I received, most of it was in depth and gave me things to think about and develop further. Unfortunately I also lost a sheet of feedback that was from Phil, so I could blog it.

From the comments I received I decided to make an action plan.

- Collect all images for the gallery, pinterest + instagram
- Try and remove the slider logo and change the colour of the buttons
- Develop concept boards further
- Crack on with designing the rest of the pages.

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