Tuesday 10 December 2013


The process of creating this album cover wasn't the style of design I would necessarily create. After finishing off the design the client wanted me to create a series of album covers that he could post onto his Facebook account and I felt that this was not only going to be a waste of time for me, but also because the format my work would be distributed, is quite unprofessional.

Due to me offering to do the project for free, I felt the client thought they could take advantage of what they wanted me to do. When I did explain to the client that I would have to charge him for my time if he wanted me to make weekly album designs for him, he didn't want me to continue designing for him and began to alter my initial design my putting really tacky effects on them and altering the text. In doing this I didn't really want to involved in the project anymore and didn't want my name attached to the designs.

Although it was just a quick initial design, I felt that I could have developed the design further and created something that was more to my taste as a designer. However the client was really adamant on wanting a collage of image of women that were quite inappropriate and not very contemporary and after finishing the design again demanded that I could alter it back to his initial idea.

As a designer I felt I had to educate the client on what would be a successful cover idea for him to stand out in his field as an artist. However I could of listened to what the client wanted and created exactly what they wanted but would have been unhappy with what I had produced. 

In my personal practice I want to be somewhat happy with the work I produce and put out good work into the public and maintain a good reputation as a designer and with this brief I felt that this could have affected that.

In doing this brief I have learnt that I can't always design things that I like and that I have to meet a clients requirements in order for them to be happy. But also as an individual I will not go out of my way to design things that I don't feel are appropriate to myself, my beliefs or are beneficial to my practice, especially if I am offering my time for free.

In conclusion I am happy that I had this experience because it has allowed me to take caution when choosing briefs and define specific things with a client before going ahead with any designing.

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