Tuesday 10 December 2013


The client sent me a collection of images that he wanted to be featured on the album cover. However the images were really bad, not contemporary and really, really cheesy. I explained to the client that I would create 3 quick concepts of what I think would look better as an initial idea.

From al  the images the client sent me I chose this one as it seemed more appropriate to the message he wanted to get across and I also didn't want to disregard all of his idea's completely.

I simply just added typography to the design with what he wanted, in a block serif type to make it stand out. 

For the next design I contacted my friend who is a model and asked if I could use some of her images that were not copyrighted. I again experimented with a few of her images for the client to look at.

I sent these quick initial designs to the client and out of them all he liked the second design and started to use it on his Facebook page.

Although it was just a quick initial design, I felt that I could have developed the design further and created something that was more to my taste as a designer. 

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