Thursday 23 January 2014


After speaking with Rinesh, we decided that we would look into three briefs separately and choose 3 final briefs for our further ideas. I decided to focus on briefs presented by D & AD due to the fact that I hadn't entered any in my individual practice. I looked at briefs that I felt fit our styles and personal tastes as designers.


From our sessions with Fred I decided to analyse the briefs to see if they were appropriate using the questions we covered in previous sessions. 

What do you want to get out of this?

To work with another creative with similar interests to produce something approbate and effective for the client. I would also like to create contacts in the fashion industry which is something I am interested in doing in personal practice.

Why do you think these briefs would be useful?

To expand myself creatively and considering different platforms in which this work can be produced.


What do you want to get out of this?

The chance to be fast tracked to the interview stage of the BBC's 2014 UX Design Trainee Scheme. To explore and create something that is different and interesting.
Why do you think these briefs would be useful?

The BBC is a big brand and offers a multitude of opportunities, which is useful. The opportunity to experience with multimedia design which is continually being recognised and is popular.


What do you want to get out of this?

To experience with a multitude of designs working across a series of platforms from print, digital and way finding which will develop my skills as a designer.
Why do you think these briefs would be useful?

To explore as many outcomes as possible for the brief and extend my practice as an individual. To also expand my branding skills which I feel is a strength in my practice. 

In selecting these briefs, I will present them to my partner with his selected briefs and see which ones we want to work on together.

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