Thursday 23 January 2014


Collaborative Practice

Today we was briefed on collaborating with our peers on our course.

The requirements and considerations for this brief included

  • Choose 3 briefs from YCN or D &AD.
  • Only 2 people in the collaboration.
  • Think about your roles as a designer.
  • What are individual responsibilities.
  • What is your joint responsibility.
  • Budgets
  • Organisation
From the talk with Fred he expressed that it would be important to work with someone who is not your friend, partner or someone you live with as these are things that can effect a working relationship. So with that in mind I decided to think about people on the course who share similar interests to me and tastes as designer as well as the skills I have to offer and themselves.

I then decided to ask Rinesh Mistry if he would like to work together, and he kindly agreed! We then decided to look at briefs individually and choose 3 each that we could discuss on working on together and then selecting a final 3 for the crit on Monday.

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