Thursday 23 January 2014


For our final critique I presented a selection of boards, mock ups, evaluation and the brief for my peers to look at.


Comment on the effectiveness of the product / proposal in relation to the original brief.

Strengths: The messages themselves are appropriate and promotional for an in-store location. The tone of voice matches with the target audience. In the mock-ups the colour tag line work well and it consistent.

Suggestions: The message bellow the type "MUST" be included or not clear enough. It foes need to be clear, try and execute this without a small description?

Comment on the appropriateness of the response to the identified Audience and / or context.

Strengths: The font could work, it could include decorative features to add more and will be more appropriate to you initial research.

Suggestions: Take the black header and colour description further, look more into signage and how it could be displayed. Look at their bag designs and make it consistent throughout the brief.

Comment on the visual quality of the final resolution.

Strengths: The typographic style and concept it great, resolution is 100%

Suggestions: Maybe rather than sticking it on a wall, bring 3D into it like in your research. Show more kicks ups rather than two physical and one digital. Make it bigger.

Comment on the quality / effectiveness of the presentation of the product / proposal

Strengths: The process you have gone through is clear.

Suggestions: More proposals and mock ups needed. Check spelling.

General comments on work represented.

Really good set of work, great start of a concept, explore what you have already discovered in research and run with it.

After the crit we then discussed the popular themes that we found in our feedback and looking at other peoples worked and listed them.
  • Does the research inform the product.
  • Is the idea fully resolved?
  • Refine mock ups to make them look more professional.
  • Spelling mistakes, try and avoid typos.
  • Number your boards.
  • Too much information / text on the boards.
  • Make connections with photographers to take pictures of your work.

I found this crit quite useful in helping make final design decisions and pushing my idea's further to make my idea stand out to the YCN judges. I have realised that my boards could be more refined and spelling is something I need to take into consideration as this makes my work look really unprofessional. I will take on this feedback and use it affectively by following this action plan.

Action Plan:

Create physical mock ups of how the typography could work in a bigger format.
Use the black with coloured subtitles.
Experiment with decorative features as displayed in your research.
Create more impact mock ups and proposals.
Redesign presentation boards

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