Thursday 2 January 2014


Mint Box

From my mock up sketched I wanted to firstly experiment with a geometric shape designed box I cut out a net of black card and cut it down to size to create my final design

In the production of this mint box there were a few errors I faced, with the tabs slight loose and the box completely unfolding when undone. I think that box was more hassle than it was worth and decided to go with a more classic approach.

I then sourced another cube net and following the same process I created a cube box.

The outcome of this can be seen in further posts.

Preservation Jars

Whilst shopping, I came across some preservation jars that I thought would be a nice additional feature. 

I used some black card, and cut a circle out to wrap around the top of the jar, securing it in place with a hair band.

Then with some white ribbon I bought from paperchase I created a little bow with silted ends for the final design. I created one of the mocks ups and wanted to wait until the crit to see what my peers thought of them.

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