Thursday 2 January 2014


To start the brief I looked at what the book was about and the themes within it, that I could portray. I looked at summative statements of the book and the plot as a initial guide.

What a Carve Up! is considered an example of a postmodern novel, employing multiple narrative styles, different perspectives, movement between first- and third-person narrative voices and a highly fragmented timeline. A brilliant noir farce, a dystopian vision of Britain, a family history and the story of an obsession. 

From this I then started to brainstorm idea's and what I felt personally from the novel.

From the brief and brainstorm it was expressed that there should be a strong use of typography. With this in mind I began to create some hand rendered type for the project. I chose words from my brain storm and from the novel to act a a background piece for the book.

With some imitial typography idea's I wanted to use hand rendered type within the maze also which I will plan to develop further.

I wanted to create a book with a maze theme to represent the twists and turns within the book so I started mocking this up in Illustrator using the line and shape tools quickly to see where I could go with the brief. 

With these initial idea's establish I plan to develop the design further in my spare time.

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