Friday 10 January 2014


In my studio development time, I decided to book a photography slot to take images of the work I had completed for the module. I booked a slot from 3:30 till 8 which enabled me to have enough time to experiment with light fixtures and the positioning of my items. I spoke to David from photography and he was really helpful in helping me set up my work correctly for product shots and lighting.

To take my images I had borrow out a lot of equipment which included
  • Light Starting Kit: Includes 2 headlights, umbrellas and cables.
  • Cannon Camera
  • Portable Flash
  • Tripod
These items enabled me to get a variety of shots and styles. For the glass related shots, David recommended that I use a clear board and put one of the headlights underneath it to create a reflective quality. Following the other shots I used a white infinity roll and taped it to the top of the wall to create an ongoing white background.

Contact Sheets
Here is a digital collection of the photo's that were taken in my photography slot.

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