Thursday 9 January 2014


Although the main design production of this brief for me is print based, I also had to create a website to go alongside the website.

To create the website I drew up some thumbnail designs for me to create a variation of ideas.

From my thumbnails I felt that these one's would work with the overall aesthetic of my printed material.


To create my website I used Adobe Illustrator to mock up how the webpages would look like. 

After some consideration I decided to not to include the white boarder around the webpage because I felt it took away from the simplicity of the rest of my work and looked tacky.

I then applied some slider buttons to indicate what images would be on the home page.

I then applied some images of what the restaurant interior would possibly look like and changed to buttons to circles to match the logo.

After changing the buttons I then considered the whole aesthetic of the website and thought it would be better to make them square again to make the design look cohesive.


To create my about page I mocked up the about, contact details and address for the restaurant. 

Finally I added the images I had taken from my photoshoot.


Initially I wanted to propose a drop down navigation for my menu, but when mocking this up it looked slightly over crowed.

I then proposed some side options but the big box didn't look aesthetically pleasing so I decided to experiment further.

I then created separate buttons for each of the options and overall I thought this work successfully.

I then re-added the scroll bar to the webpage as an option for users to flick through the menu and a pdf download option to see the menu in a bigger view.


I mocked up the layout of the reserve page with just a simple image and a button which would re-locate the user to an email page for them to book a table.

I then added my images from the photoshoot and experimented with the type.

I then went back to my original mock up as I thought this worked best with the whole aesthetic of the pages.

Overall the process of creating th website was made a lot easier by the thumbnails I created prior. I had a strong idea of what I wanted the website to look like due to the production of my printed collateral. If I had more to for the module I would have liked to attempt at coding and creating the actual website.

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