Thursday 9 January 2014


For todays crit, I prepared a selection of design boards and mock up restaurant accessories to show to my group. I was in group 3 for my crit and this consisted of Jasper, Will, Joe, Joe H, Lizzy, Emily and Rinesh.

The feedback I received for my work I felt was very useful in helping me develop my work further and generating new ideas to make sure it met the brief.


  • Visual Identity well founded and recognisable
  • Maintain white on black objects 
  • Simplicity and minimalism works

Areas of Improvement
  • Menu backboard is too crowed, maybe to low brow. Minimal looks more professional - consider a cross hatch design?
  • Don't fuss with promotional material for the restaurant, it's a high class restaurant and it will promote itself.
  • Consider digital aspects more.


  • Look at 'Aqua' bar and restaurant on oxford street, the black door and black house.
  • Ascender could maybe do with lifts and going up, this could be incorporated in your proposals.
  • Mail shot for private functions or invite only.
  • Don't propose the pasta jars, you audience are less likely to buy into it.
  • Consider speed - for drinks will be quick, food longer,
  • Packaging delivery box or a on the side if you wanter to sell the delivery pots.
  • Stock quality, thick, textured.
  • Create typography out of ice.

One of the things I was concerned about the most was if my restaurant was typographically themed enough. My group came up with some good considerations which are listed below. But the main one I chose to move forward with was how I could talk about the drinks. 

They suggested I could refer to house spirits as bold, light, regular and condensed referring to the strength of the drink. I really thought this was a witty idea and decided to make an extra drinks board to refer to this.

I found today's crit really beneficial in the development of my work, I will take on board the comments and develop my work accordingly through the action plan below.


  • Experiment with menu names
  • Strip back menu board design
  • Begin to design the web and app features.

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