Thursday 9 January 2014


How well does the work presented communicate your concept / product / context?

  • Clearly defined and appropriate concept.
  • Does the solution meet the brief?
  • Clear defined audience / target market.
  • Appropriate and defined distribution.
  • How is it going to be interacted with?
  • Are your decisions informed? - research, experiments and what is it by?
  • Consider the common issue's that need to be addressed?

For the next part of session we was assigned to present the work we had done for our competition briefs and to take note of common issues that are discussed in the presentations.


  • There needs to be more development on proposal and design boards.
  • How do you get the most out of your concepts in a appropriate way.
  • Make mock ups, tests ect.
  • Can you push your work into further contexts? - Accessories and media, personal shopping membership cards.
  • Working with depth and a wide range of contexts.
  • Resolve any issues that have been discussed.


  • Consider making postcards to give out after purchases
  • Look at Barbra Kruger's work
  • Make the messages so that customers can go on a journey through the store.
  • Neon lighting effects
  • Images
  • Moving Billboards
  • In your proposals go into detail and make big ideas.
  • Use brand colours or propose colour palettes to clothing areas.
From the crit I then decided to make a small action plan for me to complete to help me progress with my work.

Action Plan:

  • Start designing you final messages 
  • Arrange another small crit with the same people to see one anthers progress

Next Week

  • Final boards and collateral.
  • Crit is based on your work speaking for it's self, they need to tell the story.
  • A3 +, colour, visual quality and printed.
  • Design them to the scale they are going to be printed on.
  • 4-5 Boards are needed:
  • Impact
  • Concepts
  • Products
  • Context
  • Development
  • Colour variations and options.
  • Original brief.
  • Apply this to all briefs.
  • Prepare a list of questions to direct the feedback you want.
  • 200 word summary / evaluation.

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