Wednesday 29 January 2014


The secret 7” brief has been a enjoyable and easy to complete in terms of time and the other projects I have going on at the moment. I personally felt the brief also worked well with what I do in personal practice in regards to visual style and personal interest. I can see this type of design is something I want to continue to do in my progression as a designer which is to design for music. 

I also really enjoyed the process of creating this vinyl cover due to liking the artist Lorde and her style. The brief is a great opportunity for my work to displayed if it reaches the requirements and is for a good cause! Doing the brief previously the year before I knew what I had to do and having that previous experience gave me an advantage of how to tackle the brief. The brief was very quick and gave me the opportunity to balance the rest of my workload which I think was a wise decision and the reason I chose it.

I think I have created a strong and different approach to the brief which will hopefully be recognised by the judges. On reflection I could have made more developments and experiments but I found my concept very quickly a decided to run with it due to the volume of work I have going on at the moment.
Overall I think I met all the requirements of the brief and hope I get selected for the exhibition.

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