Friday 31 January 2014


You will create a body of research that explores the relationship between content, context and product in relation to an individually chosen subject or theme. In this exercise, you will begin to research a range of information and responses that clearly and effectively communicate and utilises your concepts in relation to: 
A brief history of…
A collection of...
An introduction to...
Things you need to know about...
An exhibition of…

In response to this task you must create:
Five printed boards showing your concept and research.
A series of posts to your Design Context blog demonstrating an in depth investigation into your concept in relation to one of the above categories.
Significant critical evaluation of examples identified during your research including informed decisions for their selection

Initial Idea's
For my research task I wanted to choose something that I was interested in personally as a designer to make the task enjoyable. I knew from my previous summer work project that I liked Graphic Design in relation to the music industry and would be something I would like to experiment with in my practice. 
To start this investigation I decided to create a brainstorm of the possible outcomes I could research into for 'A collection of' music branding material to see the range of idea's I could explore and develop.

I then analysed these idea's and decided to focus my research looking at the branding of music events / festivals, analysing at the visual aesthetic of how they present the artists and organisation. I will also look at the products, range and distribution that these events produce to communicate to their audience.
From my findings I then produced a set of five concept and research boards in preparation for the workshop on Tuesday.






I found this process quite interesting to explore as it is a personal interest of mine, by creating mind maps and seeing the opportunities I could go down was a good process as it allowed me to see how far I can push my concepts. Although this is just the initial idea I think I can focus my research further in regards to the upcoming brief. I also think that by breaking down my research into categories allowed me to have a more focused approach to this task and will be something I will continue to do future tasks.

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