Wednesday 19 February 2014


After choosing a logo to go forward with for the brief, Rinesh suggested that we create our own individual typeface for the project that could be used in our proposed print.

I thought I would have an attempt at doing this as it's something I haven't done before and thought would be a good learning process. I used Rinesh's wacom tablet to create a brush style typeface in Illustrator.

I initially wrote the alphabet out in Helvetica in italic as a guidelines and then using the brush tools I drew over the shapes to create a font.

As a result of this I created this typeface, which was somewhat legible but not that brilliant.

Due to the app name being Asos Mode, I then arranged the letters into 'Mode' to see how it looked. However it didn't really look that professional or legible.

Although this wasn't a success it was a good process in experimentation and also gave me the opportunity to develop my skills on graphics tablet which I had never used before. In regards to an Asos signature typeface this will be something we can develop further later on in the project if we have time after completing the mandetories.

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