Thursday 13 February 2014


For this session we had to present our initial ideas for the brief in collaborative groups of 3 to receive feedback to help us develop our idea's further.

Presentation Boards

These are the presentation boards that me and Rinesh displayed in our crit, which explain our concept and further possible outcomes for the brief. From this we then received this feedback


  • The idea of making the app personal makes more of a connection to the consumer and is a strong initial concept.
  • Look on Pinterest, where it has a feature that displays similar images that you have liked with related items which can be a bases for your app also.
  • Get the look feature which displayed pre-made outfits for the consumer
  • Ask fashion students on their opinions
  • Focus on the app and then other content can be focused on later or integrated into your print work.
From this feedback I felt that there was a few things that me and Rinesh still had to consider in regards to our concept and time management. Fred then asked us to create a action plan and list the problems we had identified in the presentation as things to focus on.

I felt this session was essential in helping the collaboration develop further by setting ourselves tasks to move forward with. We will use this action plan and have a lot of content to show for the next session.

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