Thursday 20 February 2014


The clothing company is a new and upcoming so the client asked for specific things to be included on the business card.

  • Brand name
  • Contact details
  • Tag line: "celebrity style, affordable prices"
  • Facebook page link
To begin the design I decided to create a few thumbnails of what the business card could look like in regards to alignment of type.

With the logo already established it was quite easy for me to create the front of the business card. She wanted a very minimal and clean design so I decided to simply use the logo on the front of the business card. The design for the business card was mainly influenced from what I had came across in my research and wanted to maintain the clients wants with a fashion influence.


For the back design for the logo I decided that all the information could simply be placed on that side. I looked into legible fonts that would go with the logo design and chose Mission Gothic at 8.2pt for the contact details and 10pt for the tag line. 


Due to the clothing starting off a Facebook selling site I decide to create alongside the business card a display picture for the page. I designed the image in pixels at 100mm x 100mm with a 300 resolution to avoid pixilation on screen so that the logo would be responsive across all platforms.

(Display Image)

With the logo design already establish, colour scheme and the clients minimalist taste, it was quite easy for me to create the business card design. I sent this design over the client and she was very pleased.

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