Thursday 20 February 2014


The Noir clothing brief has been a really enjoyable process, being able to see a design from some initial sketches that has transformed into a working identity for the client is something I am really happy and pleased with.

The process of creating the brand identity and other paraphernalia was something I found came quite naturally to me as a designer as branding and identity is something I really enjoy in graphic design. I also went above and beyond for what the client initially asked me to do by creating other branding items that they can work with for future development of the company. In doing this I have created a good relationship with client and will be working with them again for other projects and the development of the brand.

The designs were all made digitally which enabled me to carry on with other work and not worry about the production of such items. 

The brief was also based around fashion and as an individual I think I have a lot of knowledge of this subject and knew what would be appropriate for the brand, which made the brief even more enjoyable. I would definitely like to continue working with small businesses and helping them develop through their visual identity.

Client Feedback

This is amazing thank you so much! Design wise, this is perfect, simple and elegant just how I like it.

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