Tuesday 4 February 2014


From our research task, today we presented our findings in small groups of 6. My group consisted of Laura, Ellen, Issy, Sam and Rinesh. There was a broad range of topics and interests researched into by my group and it was interesting to see everyones outcomes.

I presented my proposal boards about music events branding which is documented in a a previous post. I had a 3 minute time frame and received some comments on what I could do with the upcoming brief. 


  • There is a good range and depth of research.
  • Possibly look into other festivals and agencies that design for them.
  • Make a publication about a festival or festivals in a certain location. 
  • A guide of things to remember, bring and enjoy whilst or deciding on going to a festival.
  • Re-brand a festivals style.
  • Create and brand a new festival for people.
I found these comments very useful in the development of my on-going research project and will consider the comments given.

For the next part of the session we looked at our concept boards from our 504 hand in. We looked at the important things to include and exclude which will enable us to not undersell what we have created.


  • Stock.
  • Audience.
  • Binding technique.
  • Where it will be found.
  • Colours, Pantone reference.
  • Type choice and point size.
  • Board number.
  • Name.
  • Titles.
  • Final work photography. {look at colour correction on photoshop}
  • Consistency throughout your boards, regarding layout.


  • Initial sketches {sometimes are relevant, depending on the project you are doing}
  • 1st person.
  • Spelling mistakes.
  • Any sort of stains, your boards should be pristine.
  • Poor image quality.
  • Readable text.
  • Too much text, 3 lines maximum.
  • Too many images and not enough text.
We then analysed one another's boards and these were the outcomes from my work.

OUGD504 Boards

design for print:

print and web:

 design for web:

On reflection from the comments I received I agreed with the majority of what was being pointed out. There seemed to be a lack in consistency, layout and overall visual aesthetic / information on the boards. I expressed this in my end of module evaluation that this was something I really wanted to improve upon to better my work. Getting an outsiders perspective on what they got from the boards and proof reading the comments was very beneficial in me finding what my weaknesses are, which is mainly spelling and consistency which is a skill I will go onto build upon.

Research Boards

After looking at our boards from our recent hand in, we then looked at how we had developed from these for the new brief. 

From my previous boards I actually made an improvement on developing the layout of my boards so that there consistent labelled correctly. Although I did still have a multitude of spelling errors and image alignment problems. Looking back at my boards previously till now I knew what I had to do to improve upon them further and I think this is something I did really well.

This workshop has been really beneficial in me finding out what I can improve upon for the development of my work as a designer and how to present my work in a professional way to clients. As expressed in my module evaluation that this is something I wanted to reflect on, I am glad it was address very quickly. 

From this session I created a small action plan for me to work from in order for me to develop my skills further.

Action Plan:

  • Look into concept boards from the 3rd years or online resources.
  • Focus on alignment of images for presentation folders.
  • Ask other people too proof read your boards before printing them. (It will save you money!)

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