Wednesday 12 February 2014


After creating some layouts and possible format designs I decided to start experimenting with my first single sided format design breaking up the pages and working through the pages.


To start off my design I created a set of guidelines that I could work on to ensure that the design was aligned appropriately. I worked within a 4x3 grid as this is something I have worked with in previous modules and feel confident within.


The introduction page will give an insight into what my research is about, and the nature of what the rest of the publication would entail.

I experimented with a multitude of pictures, fonts and layout placements to get an idea of what style I could potentially work in.


A insight into what the concept of my research is about and where I would like to go with it. 

After establishing a style with the introduction page I then carries on the same fonts and image placement with the rest of my design


A introduction into the main features of branding for music,  and what has to be considered to do it successfully.

From my thumbnails I created large titles with small font within frames, I decided to work with this throughout this design to see how it would work.

After attempting this with my design I felt that page looked too text heavy so I decided to experiment with the design further.

The Warehouse Project

A introduction page into the first event that I have researched into from the design studio PIN.

I experimented with the branding colours and images from the event, however I felt the colour didn't work digitally and decide to opt back to a black and white design, with coloured images.

Using a similar grid style from my previous designs I created the information follow the same style format as the other pages.

With this style considered I decided to follow the same format as the  the warehouse project pages with the rest of the other event pages.

Now Wave


Existing Products

The exciting products pages look into the branded items pin produce for the music events.


The range looks further into the print and digital aspects that they produce.


The way in which the products are spread across the media to promote the event.

The process of creating this mock up was an interesting experiment, I know I still have a long way to go in regards to type and layout style but will experiment with my other format idea to see which one I would like to develop further.

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