Thursday 13 February 2014


Similarly with my first experiment I wen through the same process of experimenting with different fonts, layouts and images to get an all round view of what I could create for my publication.


The introduction page will give an insight into what my research is about, and the nature of what the rest of the publication would entail.


A insight into what the concept of my research is about and where I would like to go with it. 

Branding Guidelines

A introduction into the main features of branding for music,  and what has to be considered to do it successfully.

Insert Page Pattern

Insert Publication

A mini publication with my interview with PIN studios.

Excising Products

The exciting products pages look into the branded items pin produce for the music events.


The range looks further into the print and digital aspects that they produce.

Distribution / Brief

The way in which the products are spread across the media to promote the event.

Again this was a really interesting process to go through and working on another format has determined what content I can and can't have in my publication which is an insightful process. I will have to develop these designs further but through further research into style and aesthetic I can develop this further.

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