Thursday 17 October 2013


From our web seminar we were assigned a task to look at some websites, and completely clear out minds when thinking of words to describe them. We then had to analyse weather the words we associated with them were what the designer intended.


  • Expensive
  • Slick
  • Modern
  • Professional
  • Technological

What is the point: Apple is a company that specialises in computers and new technology, from the adjectives from my list I think that the company aimed to portray these themes through the use of high resolution photography and layout. Also the terminology like 'forward thinking' to connote that they are innovative and 'champagne' to connote that they are expensive.

What is the purpose: The purpose is to promote and advertise these products to it's audience.

Who is the audience: The target audience is for business or aspiring professionals 

  • Busy 
  • Inconsistent
  • Clinical
  • Childish
  • Boring

What is the point: The Leeds college of art website, is something that provides information about the university and the courses that they provide. From my list of adjectives and my initial first look, I wouldn't think it was a art school due to the aesthetics of the website being over crowded and old fashion with the big coloured category buttons.

What is the purpose: The purpose of the website is to again is to promote the art school and it's courses

Who is the audience: The website is targeted at potential students, who specialise in art and creativity

Pretty Green

  • Sleek
  • Sophisticated
  • Monochrome
  • Indie
  • Independent 

What is the point: This is a independent clothing label by Liam Gallagher, which focuses on mod style clothing in the 21st century. The website uses monochromatic colours which connotes and sense of sophistication and is sleek through the type of images used.

What is the purpose: The purpose of the website is to sell and advertise the pretty green clothing label

Who is the audience: The target audience is targeted at a male audience, which is connoted through its photography and styling. 

  • Tacky
  • Confusing
  • Glittext
  • Vile
  • No Clarity

What is the point: This is a website called afterlife, which is an interactive website that shows the journey to heaven. 

What is the purpose: The website on first glance is not clear on what it's trying to depict due to no description, and the use of gifs and glittext make the website look dated and tacky. 

Who is the audience: The audience for this website is possibly targeted at people with a christian faith, due to the link in the title about 'the afterlife' and the gifs of cloud and the gate way to heaven.


  • Simplistic
  • Photographic
  • Modern
  • High Resolution
  • Colourful

What is the point: Pinterest is a interactive, photo collaging website. 

What is the purpose: The website allows users to share and upload interesting photo's that relate to art, pop culture, fashion and so much more. It uses wide frames for the photo's to be positioned in an look like a board of collaged images which depicts what the website is about. Also the simplicity of the website makes the design look professional and easy for an audience to interact with.

Who is the audience: The audience for this website is targetted at people in creative field or profession or study e.g photographers, fashion, graphic designers.

  • Fashion
  • Editorial
  • Femeninie
  • Creative
  • Interactive

What is the point: This is a American website called nasty gal, that specialises in underground clothing. 

What is the purpose: The tabs at the top show it's an interactive website that allows users to order clothes and look at season trends / look books .

Who is the audience: The website uses feminine colours like pink and pastels to show it's target audience which is women. Also the use of unusual styling and photography depicts it's underground style.


I found the this task really beneficial in me creating my own website for the brief. It's important for when I think of a concept that the point, purpose and audience are all clear in a matter of seconds. It has to be engaging, interactive and aesthetically pleasing because, like in the task above I judged it and what it stands for in a matter of seconds.

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