Saturday 26 October 2013


The studio web task's have been really beneficial in me finding out what concepts to choose for my website. It has also showed me the loop holes in my idea's and what I need to look into further to create a successful website.

In my studio development time I revisited my summer brief topic and thought of what obstacles I faced in getting my information. I found that it was really hard for me to find contemporary magazine covers that explored different ways in designing to inspire me in the 21st century, in a clear, systematic way and under one roof.

In finding this problem it then made me think as a student who has a interest in looking at editorial design for inspiration, specific to fashion magazine covers that I could design a web page that caters to this problem.

Through my previous brainstorming, I highlighted area's of what I liked about the different magazine covers that inspired me. A main theme I can across was the unorthodox compositions they experimented with. I thought to focus my concept down further and create a website that shows different ways in which composition is explored in non-generic ways as a source of inspiration. 

I then asked myself the questions from the brief again:

What are you trying to communicate? An idea, a concept, a message a lifestyle......?

I am trying to communicate a easy, accessible and interactive website that allows students like myself to find inspiration for the design of fashion magazine covers that explore unorthodox ways of compositions. As a student I find it really hard to find websites that hold information specific to designs that I want to see and are inundated with multiple types of design or un-useful articles.

Who are you trying to communicate to? Why and what do you want to achieve?

I am trying to communicate to design students who are interested in contemporary fashion editorial design and find it hard to find fresh and innovative designs. I want to allow users to see designs from other parts of the world and there ways of executing magazine covers as a gateway for them to be inspired and further their design concepts.

What is the most appropriate/effective form of content? Text, Image, Facts, Statistics etc.?

The most appropriate form of content for my website is images, as I am looking at the aesthetics of magazines. Also text and facts will also be relevant to web page so students can know what my webpage is about, what unorthodox composition is and the contributors to the specific magazines I have chosen.

What is already out there and how can you adapt, modify, reuse or respond to it?

Websites that are already out there, such as Pinterest and Design inspiration cater to the similar themes that I am executing but are not specific to a particular type of graphic design. I want to include their gallery features which in the past I have found useful in me finding and analysing images clearly. However I will modify the features they have which is the lack of information they sometimes offer which is who, what and where these designs have come from.

The relationship between your content and design deceisions should inform the tone of voice. Do you require humour, sophistication, authority, clarity or ....?
The tone of voice for my website would be clarity and sophistication, I need the website too be easily accessible, professional and engaging in order to fufil my users needs. 

Answering these questions, has allowed me to find a possible solution to the problems I was facing in the sessions when I thought my concept wasn't strong enough. With this in mind I will start creating some more initial idea's and developments to help me create the website.

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