Thursday 6 February 2014


Today with the session with fred he went throughout the deliverables of the brief and important thing to consider which are listed below.
  • Looking at your engagement in the collaboration, full documentation and evaluation is vital.
  • 5 x presentation boards that you have created individually size A2.
  • Document on how you would extend the project.
  • Read over the terms and conditions.
We the looked over the brief we initially chose and weighed up the pro's and con's of the brief to see if there were any major issues that would arise.


  • - Big company
  • - Reputable in the fashion industry
  • - Contemporary
  • - Relatable
  • - Interest within field
  • - Open brief
  • - Engaging
  • - A creative challenge
  • - Cross course collaboration

  • - Initial creative challenge
  • - Time
  • - Cost
  • - Design restraints
  • - Biased
  • - Wide age range and it being for them globally everyones different and will be hard to identify
  • - Deliverables conflicting with existing media
  • - Cultural differences and conflicting
After myself and Rinesh analysed the brief we were still pleased with our choice and decided to stick with it. We then wrote out a roles and responsibilities brief list to see where we could split the work load and who will be in charge of what during the course of the brief.

We then as a class looked at the common roles and responsibilities that were brought up in the session and looked into how important some of these roles were and what they extended to:

Concept development
Practical development
Research activities: audience, subject, primary, secondary, contextual
Sticking to deadline
Doing what you agree to

This session was fundamental in recognising the important roles in working partnership. It also opened my eyes to the importance of understanding your abilities as an individual and how to work well with them in a group.

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